New Works
Panteha Abareshi’s exhibition Impaired Erotics is up at O—Overgaden (Copenhagen) through August 3.
The slide deck and other resources from Creating Freedom Movement’s workshop “Digital Accessibility & Justice” facilitated by Rads are now available.
In The Sick Times, organizers Emily Dupree and Shelby Seier lay out “How to make spaces more accessible during the continuing pandemic.”
Jade T. Perry is calling healing artists, Hoodoos, Santeras, Brujxs, and BlackQueer Spiritualists in the Chicagoland area to Hoodoos for Harm Reduction to convene 3 times this summer and fall.
A new project produced by Calling Up Justice, led by Claudia Alick, J Mase III, and “those most impacted” is building digital student encampments for disabled students and others who cannot attend encampments in person for safety reasons.
On their Instagram page, The Disability Project at the Transgender Law Center is featuring community conversations about disability activism and life experience with community members, organizers, strategists, and writers, including Mickaela Bradford, Erica Woodland, and Shelby Chestnut.
Sinéad Burke recently discussed “Design and Disabilities” on the Design Emergency Podcast with Alice Rawsthorn.
In Other News…
The Disability Culture Lab, “first-ever nonprofit disability media and narrative lab,” has launched. As Crip News reported in early March, the Ford Foundation has given $450,000 in core support for the new organization, joined by a $250,000 grant from the MacArthur Foundation.
The Disability & Philanthropy Forum announced that Sandy Ho will be the organization’s next Executive Director.
The Administration for Community Living has published the 2023 Profile of Older Americans, primarily using data from the U.S. Census Bureau. Of note in the report, people 65 and older incurred out-of-pocket health care expenditures averaging $7,540, an increase of 47% since 2012.
Women Enabled International is hiring a People & Culture and Operations Director and an Operations Associate. Apply by July 7 and June 30, respectively. More here.
The Disability Collective is seeking a Development Officer and members of its Board. More here.
Kayla Hamilton is seeking an NYC-based Black D/deaf or Hard of Hearing Actor/Actress for an upcoming performance. More here.
The University Of Atypical For Arts And Disability is hiring a part-time Access And Inclusion Manager. Apply by June 24. More here.
The TechOWL Community Space at Temple University is available for accessible gatherings in Philadelphia. More here.
The Disabled Hikers Network is seeking respondents for its Membership Questionnaire. More here.
Saturday, June 15, 3 - 6pm ET, on Zoom
Identifying and Rejecting Ableism in Movement Work is an examination of how anti-Blackness, classism, and divisions of labor all produce and are products of ableism. Based on observations of various political tendencies in multiple regions within the imperial core, this presentation aims to deconstruct how ableism often develops from well-intentioned approaches to movement work. Facilitated by Estelle Ellison (Abolish Time). This is a closed virtual event that we ask only members of the disabled, chronically ill, mad, and neuroexpansive communities, or those questioning their experiences, attend for the sake of our safety and security.
PlaceHolder – Kayla Hamilton and Kate Speer
Friday, June 14 , 4 - 6 pm ET, in-person at the Arts Center on Governors Island (NYC)
Kayla Hamilton and Kate Speer share an installation in dialogue with their performance project PlaceHolder–a collaboratively made experience that exposes how perception actualizes and strips identities. The installation will take up the themes of the performance project, which asks guests to consider the ways they meet, engage and “see” others. The installation draws attention to perception and perspective and the frequent disconnect between how we want to be perceived and how outside forces (people, society, strangers) impact perception.
Kool Aid Man with Constantina Zavitsanos & Geelia Ronkina
Tuesday, June 11, 7pm ET, in-person at Performance Space New York (NYC)
Geelia Ronkina and Constantina Zavitsanos will read in repose from their text on description and prescription, the Kool Aid Man, and other involuted bodies.
Luminato in the Square
Sunday, June 16, 5 - 7pm ET, in-person at David Pecaut Square (Toronto)
The Disability Collective is thrilled to be taking over Luminato in the Square on Sunday, June 16 to showcase and celebrate the best of Toronto’s disability arts community! This multidisciplinary event will consist of a variety show featuring disabled artists in a variety of art forms, including music, dance, drag, and more, a pop-up artisan market highlighting handmade goods made by disabled artisans, and a disabled street artist creating a brand-new canvas work live! Don’t miss this one-day event celebrating crip joy!
Thanks for all of this!
Some of these look interesting.