Crip News v.136
Access failures at global gatherings, new works, other news, calls, and events. Thanks for being here.
Global Gatherings Fail Disabled Artists & Audiences
Ahead of Glasgow International, the biennial of contemporary art that concludes in Scotland this week, disabled artists condemned “a widespread lack of knowledge across the sector about how to include disabled artists and visitors.” In a statement about its “Equalities, Diversity and Inclusion Priorities,” festival organizers acknowledged the harm of their work and made a commitment to conditions that are “accessible and safe for all.” The access work stops at this lip service.
Meanwhile, French disability organization APF France Handicap has been sounding the alarm on false promises about accessibility at the 2024 Paris Paralympic and Olympic Games. Last month, The New York Times reported on major barriers for disabled visitors and athletes in the city that put access at the heart of their bid to host the games.
New Works
Shelterwood Collective, the land sovereignty project based in unceded Kashia and southern Pomo territory (Cazadero, California), is commemorating the legendary disabled organizer Stacey Park Milbern with an accessible cabin featuring visual work by art twink.
Sunaura Taylor’s Disabled Ecologies: Lessons from a Wounded Desert is out now from the University of California Press.
Egyptian artist WeirDo, a.k.a. Omar Sherif’s recent exhibition Empty Room at Ubuntu Art Gallery in Zamalek explores “isolation, reclusion and loneliness experienced by people with disabilities.”
Disabled artist and organizer Kennedy Healy published “Freeing Palestine will Free us all” in Crip Crap’s Cripticisms series.
Chicago-based High Concept Labs, with Unfolding Disability Futures, has launched Art/Access Labs, a set of gatherings “committed to fostering a vibrant disabled artist ecosystem through cross-discipline and cross-impairment professional development activities.”
A recent issue of American Theatre features a roundtable called “Wish You Were Here” on “radically welcoming access at the theatre.” Convened by Gabriela Furtado Coutinho, featuring Alison Kopit, Chuck Gruman, Riley Graygrove, and Ava Xiao-Lin Rigelhaupt.
In Other News…
Delta Airlines and engineering company Collins Aerospace have unveiled a prototype for a seat system that would allow flyers to remain in their own powered wheelchairs, a potentially major innovation for an industry that makes destroying wheelchairs part of its daily operations.
VisionIntoArt, the production company behind the opera and multi-modal project Sensorium Ex, has received a $600,000 grant from the Mellon Foundation.
U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren recently introduced the “Corporate Crimes Against Health Care Bill,” which would allow Attorneys General to go after private equity firms and other financial actors when their business decisions kill people.
The European Commission has clarified its definition of a “reasonable accommodation” in the workplace.
Shape Arts is seeking a London-based Lead Content Producer for the UK National Disability Movement Archive and Collection. Apply by June 28. More here.
The Disabled Producers Lab, a part-time online program designed as a space for disabled producers marginalized by gender across Canada, is seeking applicants. Apply by July 22. More here.
Among the offerings in IndieSpace’s 2024 MEGA Community Resource Lottery is ASL services from Inclusive Communication Services. Apply by June 19. More here.
Disabled Canadian MPP Sarah Jama is hiring an Executive Assistant. Apply by July 2. More here.
Scotland-based disabled artists are invited to apply for a research trip to Venice, Italy. Apply by June 28. More here.
I wanna be with you everywhere
Friday, June 21, 4 - 10pm ET, in-person at Performance Space New York (NYC) and online
The legendary festival is back for another “hybrid-online pop-up solstice gathering.” This year’s hang features a stunning lineup of performers and emcees: Kayla Hamilton and Elisabeth Motley of Crip Movement Lab, Jia Bin, Delicia Daniels, JJJJJerome Ellis, Conor Foran, and Kristel Kubart of People Who Stutter Create, Dickie Hearts + Special Guest, Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha + Cyrée Jarelle Johnson, Johanna Hedva + NEVE, and Chella Man + Oliver Stabbe.
'Art as Advocacy' Workshop by Anaïs Duplan, hosted by SiQ
Sunday, June 23, 2 - 5pm ET, on Zoom
Sick in Quarters is hosting Anaïs Duplan for the first iteration of a new workshop series called ‘Art as Advocacy.’ An will be presenting on various potentials at the intersection of art, disability, and racial justice. He will be reviewing some histories on art and accessibility, followed by reflection and an ekphrastic writing practice.
Discussion of Crip Authorship: Disability as Method with Mara Mills & Georgina Kleege
Saturday, June 22, 1pm ET, in-person at MASS MoCA (North Adams, MA)
Meet in the Research & Development Store for a discussion surrounding the content of Crip Authorship: Disability as Method with the book’s co-editor Mara Mills and contributing author Georgina Kleege. They will reflect on their experience of Joseph Grigely: In What Way Wham? (White Noise And Other Works, 1996–2023) by way of Andy Slater’s image and video descriptions for the exhibition, description (of art) as an access tool for blind audiences, disability as method, and other topics discussed in this groundbreaking book.