Crip News v.20
Dutch activist Jeanette Chedda is sitting on a 400 years old wooden chair. Left of the picture you see her wheelchair. She is a brown woman with dark brown hair up. She is wearing a beige knitted dress, zoom in to see the crocodile earring and white with pink sneakers.
Sofía Jirau is the first model with Down Syndrome to be featured by Victoria’s Secret in their latest campaign. And she signed with L’Oreal Caribe in Puerto Rico for another campaign.
Alt Text
The New York Times featured many disabled artists and activists in an interactive feature about alt text.
Convoy Occupation
New Works
Alice Wong interviews Chun-san (Sandie) Yi about crip siblinghood for Disability Visibility.
Sins Invalid has released Disability Justice from A to Z, a coloring book featuring work by 26 crip, trans, queer, and BIPOC artists.
The newest chapter in Indisposable: Structures of Support After the ADA, organized by Ann Fox and Jessica Cooley for the Ford Foundation Gallery, features TEXERE by Indira Allegra, premiering this week.
Temperance Queer Tarot by Cyrée Jarelle Johnson released a set of education resources about Disability Justice.
Sharon Jodock-King was an artist, teacher, and activist. She was a founding member of Artists Unlimited and her work moved between art and politics seamlessly.
On Feb. 18th, Audre Lorde would have turned 88.
Jen White-Johnson honors Lorde with this collage tribute filled with shapes, florals and vibrant hues of pinks, blues, purples. This black and white portrait of her is often used in her memory since it’s a distinct portrait of her post mastectomy. Audre adamantly refused to get breast reconstruction surgery and she dives into that in detail in her Cancer Journals which she first began in 1979.
Museum Diversity Survey
The Mellon Foundation’s 2022 Art Museum Staff Demographic Survey is open.
CUNY Disability Studies
The CUNY School of Professional Studies is hiring a Distinguished Lecturer/Academic Director.
Georgetown’s Disability Cultural Initiative
Georgetown’s Division of Student Affairs is hiring an Associate Director of the Disability Cultural Initiative.
Publication Graphic Designer
Art and science journal Leonardo is seeking a graphic designer for a redesign. Email for the full brief.
Waves with Nowhere to Go. A dance poem by Sonya Rio-Glick. Sunday, Feb. 27th from 2-3:30pm ET on Zoom. Register here.
Deaf People on the Move | Temporal Dimensions. Wednesday, Feb. 23rd at 5pm ET on Zoom. Register here.
Black History & Structure Black Sign Language. Sunday, Feb. 27th from 1-4pm ET on Zoom. $60. Tickets here.
Guns Down Mic Up. Bi-weekly open mic and conversation series on Zoom that prioritizes the voices of those who have experienced systemic and personal violence. More info here.
From the Ground Up: Community Organizing at the Margins. Wednesday, Feb. 23rd from 7-8pm ET on Zoom. Register here.
Classes with AXIS Dance. Company technique & contact improvisation. More info here.
A colorful graphic filled with text. The background is a bright, glowy green, blue, and yellow gradient. There are delicate squiggle drawings throughout the image. At the top there are two identical drawings of bright green microphones on either corner. Dark purple text on a pastel purple background reads: “ATTENTION NYC!” Neon green text reads: “All Issues Are Disability Issues” Dark purple text on a pastel purple background reads: “A press conference” Neon purple text reads: “Outside City Hall, Feb 23 10:30 AM ET, In-person & Zoom” Dark purple text on a pastel purple background reads: “Facilitated by Audre Wirtanen & Maya Contreras”
Yoga Nidra: Rest and Relaxation for Rejuvenation with Traci Foster. Thursday, Feb. 24th from 7-8:15pm CT and weekly on Zoom. Register here.
A drawing of someone wearing a read sweater that says “unfortunately i need to go home because my left sock feels weird sorry thankyou”